Hills & Valleys
Counselling Services

'For All Of Life's Hills And Valleys'
Serving All Canadians Virtually and Residents of New Brunswick In Person and/or Virtually
Service Members & First Responders
About Us
Hello! My name is Taryn Sharpe,
I am the clinic owner and senior therapist.
I've been a Therapist for 10 years and counting.
Check out my section to learn a little more about me and our growing team!

Getting Help
Each person is viewed as an expert in their own life. Having access to a safe, welcoming, and supportive space to engage in treatment / mental health counselling can provide you with the opportunity to continue on your journey of healing with comfort and confidence.​ One of the key components of a successful outcome in psychotherapy is having a strong therapeutic alliance with your therapist.
At Hills And Valleys Counselling Services, we view the individual holistically and consider the internal (inside) and external (outside) factors that can have an impact on your overall wellness.​ We work in collaboration with you to assist you in achieving the therapeutic goals you identify for yourself.
We are here to help with:
And More!
"Taryn was arguably the biggest help I got in the most difficult period of my life as a new resident in Canada. I found Taryn through online search. Taryn did three things which made the difference. She asked simple candid but highly effective questions then genuinely listened. Secondly she made me feel like I could trust her from the very first session. She kept an open mind, and never judged me. So it was easy to open up to her, Thirdly she just listened and guided me to discover issues and possible answers from my stories by myself. The results speak for themselves. This helped to reunite me with my family. Getting back to the family gave me the chance me to have honest conversations with my partner. My partner even agreed for us to have a joint session with Taryn. We did that. Since then I can safely say that our relationship continues to get stronger. We have clarity on what we need to do / not do to continue healing and growing together. I’m quite thankful I met Taryn."
​Anupam James
All Religions, All Ethnicities, All Orientations, All Beliefs, All Abilities, All People Are Welcome Here.
This is a Safe Space to Be You.
We recognize and fully acknowledge that we work and reside on unceded traditional lands of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet), Passamaquoddy, and Mi’kmaq Peoples.